Posted by : Ralphina1 Saturday, January 19, 2013

I recently sent fan mail to Club Penguin (through snail mail!) and got some super stuff back! (I found out the address by calling Club Penguin support - SUPER EPIC HELP THERE BTW- here: 888-861-4111.  I wrote them a letter and check out what I got back(!):

The package it came in...

A super-cool Cadence postcard! 

The back of the postcard! (Click the pic to enlarge it). It says (the whited out spots had my info...) "Hi -----(Ralphina1)!
Thank you so much for your fin-tastic letter and pictures! I think my favorite new room is the Coffee Shop! Its very cool
to hear you have been working hard on decorating your igloo, it really shows. It was incredible thoughtful of you to
send membership cards to your friends (I sent cards to my friends in Puerto Rico because they couldn't get them)
and I'm glad to know such a kind penguin! I really have no idea what "server jumping" might be, so I guess it'll be a surprise for both of us , lol :) I am super impressed by your collection of toys ( my mini figures and puffles...) and by your costume creation talents! (I made a outfit for one of my stuffed penguin. :D ) Keep up the great work! Are you excites for the Prehistoric party?? I very much look forward to hearing from you soon! Happy Waddles - Emma :)
Two Club Penguin Pencils!

Two cards!

and my second fave, (first is the note! It was so incredible how  long she took to write it!) a notebook!
How to draw a penguin on the first page!
How to draw a penguin continued on the next page!
Then a bunch of blank pages to draw on! (I made the puffle and the cream soda :P )
On the inside of the front and back covers!

The back of the notebook!  (Printed in Canada!)

 Super Epic right?! If you have some fan mail you want to send to them , (I also sent one to billybob, they told me he read it, but he's busy and won't be able to reply, I wrote the first letter and the billybob one on the same day) here is their address:

Club Penguin
Suite 500
1628 Dickson Avenue
Kelowna, BC V1Y 9X1

Have any questions about this? You can comment below or go to the "About and Contact" page and email me!

Waddle on,

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Wow, thanks for sharing this! :) Club Penguin Team is kind to have replied to you. :)

    ~Perapin :)

  2. Ikr! I'm glad that you appreciate my post! :)

  3. That is so cool Ralphina! Hey do you wanna join the Penguin Pages? It's like a Club Penguin Fans only Twitter like blog. I love your blog! ;)


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