Posted by : Ralphina1 Friday, February 1, 2013

Lately, I made a post that said I had sent a letter to Club Penguin. At the same time I sent the first letter, I sent a note to Billybob! Well, I got a letter back! (Though Club Penguin said he probably wouldn't write back!!!) Check it out below:

The front - Click to make it bigger!

The back (My info is whited out) - "Hello Ralphina1, Thank you so much for the letter!
I have to say - thank you for being such a loyal Club Penguin fan, the website wouldn't
exist without dedicated penguins like you! I'm also really impressed with your stuffed
penguin and puffle collection. Congratulations on meeting Herbert - hes a grumpy bear,
but I think he means well. He's just cold, but I wish he wouldn't take it out on us! Yourstage/hangout
igloo is great! It looks very comfertable - I bet it's a fun place to hang out with your penguin
friends! It's great that you want to work at Club Penguin one day. It's a great place to work.
Everyone here loves the game and works hard to make sure it's a safe and fun for
you and your friends. Keep drawing, and keep writing, and you can achieve anything!
Waddle on!
aka Billy Bob
Coolio right?! You're probably wondering how to write a letter to Club Penguin (If you didn't see my last post about that)

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. That's so cool Ralphina1! :) You're amazing and not lazy at all to send a letter to Club Penguin HQ, it's more complicated than sending an e-mail. :) Thanks for sharing this with your readers!

    ~Perapin :)


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